Hello! My name is Ashley, I’m 30-ish and I live in Nashville, Tennessee – also where I happen to be from which makes me what we call a unicorn here.
I’m an entrepreneur – which is the easiest and most efficient way to describe what I do. What I really do? I’m a freelance writer, a blogger [with three blogs – what was I thinking!], a photographer, a content creator, and a sometimes pet sitter. I also work part-time in the magazine publishing world where I do editorial work, design work, social media content, and more.
As mentioned, I’m not new to blogging. I have my first and main website, Wild Hearted, which is all about veganism, sustainability, and travel. My second site, Oddities and Curiosities, is all about the strange and unusual things in the world – mostly travel but other things as well.
When I created Books, Beans, and Botany [ which was literally two days ago ], I wanted to create something non-travel related. I’ll admit it’s a bit of a panic “buy” with the current global events. I don’t know when I’ll be traveling again. Also, over the last year or so, I’ve become obsessed with plants and I’ve finally gotten back my voracious reading habits.
I’ve always been a reader. I think it happened early on, but I’ll have to get some sources to verify that. My dad has always been a reader too so I’ll give him some credit. It definitely began before Harry Potter, but when HP was released, I also was 11 years old. This made growing up with Harry particularly special. I would get the books the day they came out and be done within 24 hours.
There have been times when books have helped me escape my reality which hasn’t always been great. There have been times when books have helped me procrastinate – oops. There have been books that very well may have saved my life and books that have changed my life.
I can’t say for sure what you’ll see here as I’ve not even written the first post, but I can say for sure it’ll be books and plants {and sometimes coffee}.
Reviewer Indieview with Ashley Hubbard of Books Beans & Botany on The Indie View