I received a copy of Weekend Pass in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are, of course, my own.
I’d like to thank iRead Book Tours and the author for including me on this tour.
Weekend Pass
Book Details
Genre: Fiction
Publication Date: January 19, 2021
Length: 210 pages
Publisher: Not That London Writer
ISBN: 9780993809354
Book Description

Who can forgive a mother who poisons her eight-year-old son? Even if it was an accident. Tasha thought she had everything under control – her family life, her career as a nurse – until her son got into her stash of painkillers. Now, during her first weekend home from drug treatment, she must come to grips with the damage she’s done and somehow pick up the pieces. Told from the points of view of four different family members, Weekend Pass is a story about the lies we tell ourselves and the people we love. And it’s about struggling to rise above the mistakes that threaten to define us.

Paul Cavanagh is a Canadian author whose debut novel, After Helen, won the Lit Idol competition at the London Book Fair in the UK and was published to rave reviews in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles. He’s been compared to Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Tyler for his ability to be at turns funny and moving while exploring the paradoxes of modern family relationships. He lives in London, Ontario (not be confused with that other London). Weekend Pass is his third novel.
Connect with Paul on his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads.
My Thoughts & Takeaways
Weekend Pass by Paul Cavanagh is a story that follows a family recovering from the aftermath of addiction that led to a tragic accident. A mother and nurse, Tasha, suffers from a narcotic addiction that she thinks she has under control. Until one day when she gets high and her young son is able to get her stash of pills.
During her first weekend pass home from rehab, Tasha is on a mission to see how her son is really doing as she thinks her family is just shielding her from the truth.
This book is a short and easy read that still shows the reality of how addiction hurts way more than just the addict. I’ve unfortunately been in a few relationships people suffering from addictions and I definitely could relate to certain aspects of the story.
The story is told from the points of view of four different family members giving you a well-rounded experience of how the addiction affects all of them. I enjoyed Cavanagh’s writing and storytelling and I would recommend Weekend Pass to anyone who enjoys real-world fiction or looking for a fiction book focusing on addiction.
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USA and Canada only. Ends February 8.

Hi Ashley,
Thanks so much for shining a light on Weekend Pass with your thoughtful review. I’m glad you enjoyed the story. We had a great virtual launch party. Highlights are posted on my site notthatlondon.com if you or your followers want to take a peek.